Q?What is clb?

Trademark, it is a team of people who enjoy what they do.

clb is an economic adviser.

Q?Why shall the clb prepare a business plan for me?

Because you devote your time to work and appreciate your time.

Therefore, do not buy what others are selling, instead of what you can have.

Q?My accountant can do it or they will help me at the bank, I am a long-time client.

Take advantage of our experience. We know how to help. Let us be useful for you.

Save time and money!

Q?Why a mix business plan, expert opinion and proofreading?

Business plan is a specific product. And in our experience, these are the right “ingredients” for its preparation.

Or otherwise, the most important criteria for the funding partners are return and security. The return is set in the cash flow projection (income statement, balance sheet). Guarantee is in the form of an independent expert assessment of your present security (it is usually necessary). We consider spelling, grammatical and stylistic accuracy as a matter of course, that is why proofreading of the submitted business plan.

Q?Where can I find clb?

You have already found us. Personal meeting can be arranged by E-mail or phone, so that it suits you the best.

Q?Has anything upset you lately? Is this a “professional” question?

Anger causes you to act, write, respond, and share. In this way we learn whether and how we can be useful. In professional practice there are surely enough things like this.

So what has upset you lately?