
Many years of experience in preparing business plans date back more than twelve years, even before the foundation of clb. Below are selected implemented projects arranged chronologically:

  • Business model for an investor to implement the business plan for the purchase and lease of real estate for a foreign retail network,
  • Business model for owners to use land adjacent to recreation sites,
  • Design, development and implementation of business plan to refinance the loan and revitalize an industrial complex in the Czech Republic,
  • Developing and implementing a business plan for the purchase and revitalization of industrial complex in the Slovak Republic, consultancy and representation in communication with the financing bank,
  • Analysis and processing of assets, preparation of model for sale variants (also for bankruptcy trustees),
  • Preparing business model to determine future selling prices of apartments and non-residential premises for a development project (construction of multipurpose building in Bratislava),
  • Preparing business model for financing of water park construction,
  • Consultancy for a leasing company in calculations of leased assets and the design and implementation of tailored information system,
  • In 2001, a business plan and a project for the establishment and start of a leasing company providing operating leases was prepared and implemented