Development – loan refinancing and revitalization plan

The company owning the industrial estate (land, buildings and part of movable property) with relatively low occupancy of the complex, high credit load, faced termination of tenancy relations and reduction of rental income. In times of crisis, a decision was made to sell the complex to an investor.

After a short analysis a business model was proposed. The main idea of ​​sale was maintained. The change consisted in preparing and initiating revitalization of the complex (with credit financing) and proposal of complex sale even in smaller parts. Immovable and movable property (the complex itself) valued by an expert was suggested as security. This business model has been accepted.

The first step was the preparation of original loan relationship refinancing. The financing plan for revitalization of the complex followed. Proposed sales made up the source of income in the presented business plan. Operational funding was secured from own resources. Launched revitalization and successful sale of a smaller part of the complex helped to stabilize existing tenancy relations. The services of economic adviser were used continuously from the draft of the business model until the final sale. The project was successfully implemented within 12 months (complex with on-going revitalisation became subject to sale as a whole).

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