Case study

  • Power engineering – operational funding
    It was necessary to secure the financing of starting material purchases with advance payments for a company supplying energy from renewable sources. Own start-up capital was prepared and at the same time first advance payments were already paid. The company concluded upstream and downstream contracts. Based on the agreed payment terms (advance and interim payments to suppliers, customer payments in » » ...
  • Development – loan refinancing and revitalization plan
    The company owning the industrial estate (land, buildings and part of movable property) with relatively low occupancy of the complex, high credit load, faced termination of tenancy relations and reduction of rental income. In times of crisis, a decision was made to sell the complex to an investor. After a short analysis a business model was proposed. The main idea » » ...
  • Industrial complex – business plan for a purchase
    Investor decided to purchase an industrial complex (fixed assets). Form of sale proposed by the seller was accepted by the buyer. Investor’s requirement was to ensure funding by a combination of internal and external sources. First, an analysis was conducted, and subsequently a business model was prepared for the purchase and financing. The business plan was prepared after submitting the » » ...